In this lesson, we'll dive into a transformative practice session centered around the Big Draw technique. This method is designed to facilitate non-ejaculatory orgasms by engaging specific energy locks (bandhas) in your body. Our guided exercises and reflective moments aim to make you comfortable with this technique, further enriching your sexual vitality and self-control.
Setting the Stage
As always, locate a private, tranquil space where you can focus solely on the exercise without any disruptions. Ensure you have reserved enough time to engage in the practice session thoroughly.
Warm-Up: Deep Breathing and Visualization
- Find a comfortable sitting or lying position. Make sure you're able to maintain this position throughout the exercise.
- Close your eyes and shift your awareness to your breath. Start inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
- Engage in five to ten slow, deep breaths, expanding your diaphragm as you inhale and emptying your lungs completely as you exhale.
- As you maintain this deep-breathing pattern, allow your body to relax and let go of any muscle tension.
Exercise 1: The Big Draw Technique
- As you continue deep breathing, visualize the flow of energy within your body, starting from the base of your spine.
- Begin arousing yourself, either through masturbation or other means of sexual stimulation. The goal is to reach an arousal level of about 7 or 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.
- Once you've reached this arousal level, stop stimulating yourself and take a big, deep breath.
- Contract the muscles you would use to stop urination (these are your PC muscles or the root lock, Mula Bandha) and the muscles in your abdomen (the abdominal lock, Uddiyana Bandha).
- As you hold your breath, visualize pulling the sexual energy upwards along your spine towards your head.
- Hold your breath and the muscle contractions for about 10 seconds. Then release the breath and the contractions, exhaling fully and imagining the energy spreading throughout your body.
- You might experience sensations similar to an orgasm, but without ejaculation. This is the so-called 'dry orgasm.'
- Relax and breathe deeply for a few moments before repeating the exercise if you wish.
Reflection: Pause to reflect on your experience with the Big Draw technique. What did you feel during and after the exercise? Were you able to visualize and guide the energy flow? Could you experience a non-ejaculatory orgasm? Make a note of your observations, thoughts, and sensations. Remember, it might take some practice to master this technique, so be patient and kind to yourself.
Practicing the Big Draw is an empowering journey towards understanding your sexual energy better and harnessing it for personal growth. Keep in mind that everyone's experiences are unique, and you may need multiple sessions to become comfortable with this method. Practice regularly, and over time, you'll notice improvements in your sexual control and perhaps a new dimension to your orgasmic experiences.